Monday, January 4, 2010

Extra ARRA $ possible for clean water projects

There is a small chance that additional ARRA funds may be available to municipalities seeking Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) for eligible projects that can proceed by June 17, 2010.

This email is being sent to municipalities with projects on the State FY 2010 priority list that may have projects that could meet the deadlines for this funding. To meet the deadlines to use this funding municipalities need to have both signed construction contracts and an executed loan agreement by 6/17/2010.

Should you want your project to be considered for possible additional ARRA funding, you need to reply to this email by January 15, 2010 with the following information.

1. Municipality Name
2. Municipality Contact Name, Phone and Email
3. Project Name
4. Estimated total project cost that can be placed under contract by June 17, 2010
5. Project Description
6. Engineering Firm Contact
7. Environmental Information Document Date ____ (Must be completed on or before 2/26/2010)
8. Bond Vote Date_____ (Must be on or before 3/2/2010)
9. Complete Application Date ____ (Must be on or before 3/13/2010)
10. Final Plans and Specifications Date ____ (Must be on or before 4/1/2010)
11. Advertise Contracts for Bid (Must be on or before 4/16/2010)
12. Municipality Signs Loan Agreement Date ____ (Must be on or before 5/28/2010)
13. Municipality Signs Construction Contract ____(Must be on or before 6/17/2010)


Vermont received about 18.5 million dollars from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) for CWSRF eligible projects. This process started with the signing of the ARRA on 2/17/2009 and ends with all funds committed by 2/17/2010. To commit funds, municipalities need to have both signed construction contracts and executed loan agreements by 2/17/2010. Vermont projects funded using ARRA dollars received a 50% subsidy, in the form of principle forgiveness, for up to two million dollars of eligible project costs.

EPA anticipates that some states may not use all of their allotted funds. Unused funds will be reallocated nationally to other states for use on eligible projects. States are required to send EPA a list of projects that may use these funds by 2/1/2010. This email helps us identify projects that will be included on the list of potential projects to be funded by any reallocated ARRA funds.

Please let us know if you have questions, Winslow

Winslow Ladue
Facilities Engineering Financial Management
VT Department of Environmental Conservation
103 South Main St., Laundry Building
Waterbury, VT 05671-0511
(802) 241-3404

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